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Winning sports trophy
Pupil at sound desk
Pupils at desk
Children on stage


Our highly skilled team are dedicated to ensuring our children achieve the highest standards possible. Across the school, while our cohorts may vary, our children’s attainment is higher than the national average and often significantly so.

For example:

In 2019, the children in Year 6 who achieved the higher standard of “greater depth” in all 3 subjects was 17% higher than the national average. This places us second out of all the schools in Bristol*.

*of the 108 who submitted data for comparison.

Over the last 3 years an average of 93% of St. John’s children have passed the Year 1 Phonics Check. This was significantly above the national average and in one year placing us in the top 6% of schools in the country.

Our Year 2 results, for Reading in particular for the last 3 years, have been 10% higher than the national average, both for children reaching the “expected standard” (84%) and at the higher “greater depth” standard (38%).

In 2019 our Year 6 children made above average progress across all 3 subjects (Reading, Writing and Maths) and the number of children in Year 6 who reached the “expected” standard in all statutory tests was 10% higher than the national average.

Within this data there are many stories of individual success, of which we are very proud of our children.

While we absolutely value the importance of this academic excellence, St. John’s children succeed in so many other ways that we feel it is important to recognise. This may be achieving the next grade in their music exam, winning a trophy for their sports team or receiving a certificate for demonstrating exceptional friendship and kindness to others.

Our academic achievement was part of the reason for our Outstanding grade by Ofsted who recognised that “All groups of pupils, including those from minority ethnic groups, make rapid progress in reading, writing and mathematics.” Further detailed information can be found in our performance tables.

Achievements | OFSTED

Indeed, for us as a school we are equally proud of our status as a ‘Healthy School’, our Silver ‘Games Mark’ for P.E. and Games and our achievement and recognition of the award as a ‘Rights Respecting School’. We are a community that is continually striving to improve, we are outward facing, using research and collaboration with others to enhance what we can provide for our children.

School Improvement Plan (SIP)

Each year we write a School Improvement Plan (SIP) that details the priorities for the year.

The focus of 2019-20 is detailed below:

  • To improve outcomes for pupil premium and lower achieving pupils, including those with SEND
  • To develop a cohesive curriculum that has a strong focus on ensuring children acquire core knowledge and skills and where their learning is made purposeful through connections with the local, national and global community.
  • To improve outcomes in maths for all pupils across the school by the end of the year.
  • To equip all staff to support children’s Emotional and Mental Health and Wellbeing needs more effectively to enable them to thrive.

For more information on our most recent statutory tests please go to Statutory Information.

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