Term 1
Welcome to Year 1 and 2! We hope you all had a lovely summer and you are looking forward to the year ahead.
During the first few weeks of term our main focus is getting to know the children, building relationships and setting our expectations for the year ahead. We will start teaching the curriculum content from Week 3.
This term our topic is called ‘Into the Woods’ and it is a science-based topic looking at different habitats, with a particular focus on mini beasts. The children will learn all about different habitats and micro habitats, and how these allow different living things to thrive. We hope for some lovely autumn weather to allow us to go out into our environment and explore these habitats for ourselves.
In English we will be looking at the amazing story ‘The Fox’. This is a beautiful picture book that links to our science topic as well as encouraging the children to really think about the skills they need for effective collaboration. We will be starting the term with lots of descriptive writing and storytelling.
In Art, we will be focusing on our drawing skills and we can’t wait to display all of our Art work to the public during the Bristol Arts Trail later in the term.
Our P.E days this term are: Monday and Thursday (Owls and Harriers), Tuesday and Thursday (Falcons) and Thursday and Friday (Hawks and Kestrels). This term our P.E focus will be Hockey.