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Where is lost property?

At WR the lost property is in a basket by Brunel classroom on the lower corridor.

At LRR the lost property is in the vestibule by the EYFS classrooms that leads from the playground.

Can you administer medication?

Only prescribed medicines can be administered in school. These must be in the original container, with the information sheet inside and labelled with the child’s name and dosage. In the case of antibiotics, only those prescribed four times a day may be administered once a day at school.

Any medicines that require medical expertise or intimate contact need to be agreed by a parent and a qualified member of staff.

All medicines must be brought to the school office by an adult. Medicines must NEVER be brought to school in a child’s possession (even cough sweets).

The adult is required to complete a parental agreement form at the school office for the medicine to be administered by school staff.

See the Administration of Medicine Policy for more information.

My child has a food allergy, what do I need to do?

Please e-mail: for a copy of the Chartwells Special Diet Request Form. This should be completed and returned with medical correspondence confirming the allergy/intolerance.

Chartwells will provide an individual special diet menu for any pupil with allergies to any of the EU allergens as well as individual ingredients. This process may take up to three weeks.

Full information is available in the documents library: allergies information

What should I do if my child is sick and can’t come to school or has a medical appointment?

Any absences should be reported on Parentmail or contact the office by phone or email. Please do not rely solely on an email to the teacher. Also if your child has sickness or diarrhoea please keep them off school until 48 hours after their last episode.

What After school clubs are available and how do I book them?

After school activities are run by Shine. Information about what they provide and how to book and pay for activities can be found on their website or by calling them on 0117 4033 033.

Is there a breakfast club &/or after school club at St John’s

Shine run a ‘Wake and Shake’ session for those who want an active start to the morning and extended activities after 16.45pm. Wake and Shake starts at 07:45 until the start of school and extended activities run until 17:50.

Please see the full list of clubs on offer, with more information available online:

Infant Site–johns-infant-school-clifton

Junior Site–johns-primary-school.

How do I pay for a trip?

Payment for all trips and in-school events can be made on Parentmail. The payments may be in the payments section or the shop section.

When are music lessons?

Information including the timetable can be found on the website. This information is also sent out via Parentmail.

Can you get a message, or take something to my child?

In the busy school office we are unable to take messages to children so please make sure they are aware of any arrangements before the school day starts.  We will deliver essential items your child needs that day, such as packed lunch or an instrument (not snacks or other non-essential items).

What should I do if someone different is picking up my child?

Please inform the class teacher (and your child!) verbally or by e-mail before the day.  If the arrangement is not made until that day call the office and they will relay the message to the teacher.

Can I take my child out of school during term time?

We expect all children to be in school every day as it is major factor in their success at school. Other than illness, leave of absence requests will only be authorised in exceptional circumstances, such as a funeral. All requests are treated on a case by case basis.  It is not a parental right to take their child out of school.

A request for Leave of Absence form should be completed at least 4 weeks prior to the leave. Please complete and submit this form if you want the Headteacher to consider your request for your child’s leave of absence for exceptional circumstances. We may ask for proof to back up your request.

If the absence is not authorised you may receive a penalty notice. Further detail is available in our Attendance Policy.

Parents and carers must notify the school of absence in advance, even if absence is expected to be Unauthorised. Failure to do so can be a safeguarding concern.

Where do I buy school uniform?

All uniform with a logo can be purchased online from Harris Sports.

The grey skirts and trousers can be purchased from any high street shop.

View the uniform policy here.

How do I get in touch with the PTA?

If you have any ideas for fundraising or would like to speak to a committee member about helping with events, please send us an e-mail:

The PTA use St. John’s Classlist as the main communication hub for PTA events, socials and fundraisers. It’s a great way to connect with other parents, and keep on top of all the events taking place throughout the year.

The majority of our parents are now on Classlist, but if you haven’t signed up, and would like to join please go to

How do I book a school lunch?

These are booked and paid for, if applicable, on Parentpay.

You can make, cancel or amend your meal choices until 9am on the day of service. Our kitchen staff need to know how much food to supply on a daily basis, and they can only do this if school lunches are ordered for every child who needs one.

Autumn_Winter Menu 2024

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