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Equalities, Diversity & Inclusion

St. John’s is proud to be an educationally inclusive school. The achievement, well-being and perspective of every person in the school matters and this is made evident in our vision and ethos.

Our school is a rich, diverse community where everyone, no matter what their background or ability, is encouraged to look to the horizon for the possibilities of what can be achieved, both for themselves and those around them.

In a safe, empathic learning environment we offer the best possible education, support and guidance we can, to every child in our care.

We are a school for all of Bristol.


Equality is one of our core values that runs through everything we do. From the day to day curriculum to strategic leadership we place an equalities lens on all aspects of school life to ensure we consider both the needs of our community, and deliver a positive impact for all of our children across each protected group.

Our Equalities Strategy, as well as setting out the legal framework, also acknowledges our achievements and ambitions for the future on a 3 year cycle. It is important that our focus is driven by our community and we capture these views in a number of ways such as surveys, informal discussion forums and events.   For example, we regularly have informal coffee mornings for parents and carers of children with SEND, those new to our school and those with English as additional language. These provide an opportunity for parents and carers to learn, share and explore as well as to connect with the school staff and each other. We even developed a highly successful ‘Culture Café’ where our families provided food from over 30 nations to share with the whole school community, bringing great pride to all families involved.  This allowed us to celebrate and better understand the lived experience across a diverse range of children and families, as well as building a sense of community and belonging.

We pride ourselves on the relationships and positive interactions between staff and children and this is at the heart of what we do. We take time to build and develop these relationships from the outset and cultivate a strong sense of belonging with every child and family as this is key to success and fulfilment.

The school is a happy and harmonious place to learn, but the nature of human interactions mean that undesirable incidents do occur; what is vital is how these are dealt with. St. John’s champions anti-discrimination and is pro-active in developing this culture within the school and beyond. We have rigorous systems to ensure any issues are followed up thoroughly with all parties and their families so that we can educate to enable understanding.

Our HUMANS curriculum is centred around the concepts of Happiness, Unlimited, Moral, Adventurous, Nurturing and Society and brings in global perspectives and references. We continue to evolve our curriculum to ensure there is diverse representation and so each child can see themselves within their learning. All children are encouraged to find their ‘thing’ so that they can feel good about themselves and have the opportunity to shine. Through PE, music and other enrichment activities, children who need enhanced care are encouraged to attend an activity within or outside of the school day and are prioritised by our PE and music leads.

As a school we recognise that all children are individuals and, while some may be categorised by a label, this is not what defines them. However, we also know that some children may need something extra in order for them to thrive. School staff provide enhanced care for these children to ensure equity and support our approach that all children ‘get what they need here’.

Equality Policy and Strategy OCT 24 review

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