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Eco Team News

Eco Team News

St John's Eco Code Our Eco Team have created a school Eco Code to reflect everything that we do at St John's to make our school greener and more sustainable. Thanks to Jess and Arielle in Cabot for designing our…

Changes to attendance from September

As you may be aware, the government have changed some aspects of school attendance from August 2024. We will write to you with more details next year but we thought it useful to give you the main changes: There is…

Arches Competition Results

Thank you so much to all the children that took part in our 100 Arches competition, we saw so much creativity which was amazing! The winners will be displayed permanently, with the runners-up being put on show for a short…

WR Musicians visit LRR

Musicians from Worrall Road visited their younger peers at Lower Redland Road on Wednesday to play and talk about their instruments during Singing Assembly. The children were treated to music from Pirates of the Caribbean on the piano, as well…

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