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Term 3

Welcome back to term 3 – we look forward to hearing about your children’s Christmas holidays and getting started with some new learning this year. 

This term, our main topic will be based around Geography. This will involve some map work, learning about earthquakes and comparisons between the UK and another country in Europe – Italy. Part of this will cover all things food with our DT unit being based around food and nutrition. To learn about the history of Italian food and healthy eating choices, we will be heading to Pizza Workshop. More information will be sent about this on Parentmail. Children will then have the chance to make their own Italian dish in school.

Outside of our topic, we will also be learning about electricity in Science, ‘Creation’ in RE and thinking about, ‘Living in the Wider World’ in PSHE.

The children will continue having French lessons every Thursday afternoon with Mrs Allenby. On Wednesday afternoon, they will cover PE and Music or Computing in PPA. This term Malago and Avon will be doing computing and Hazel Brook and Severn will be doing music. All children will need to wear their PE kit on a Wednesday each week.

Children will also have a second PE lesson (tag rugby) taught by their class teacher. This will be on a Monday for Malago and Severn and on a Friday for Avon and Hazel Brook. Please refer to the uniform policy as we expect uniforms to be in line with this and children will be told if this is not the case. Children should only wear PE kits on these days above.

Our English focus this term will be around narratives, playscripts and recounts. In maths, we will continue learning about fractions before learning to convert into decimals and percentages. We will then move on to geometry covering properties of shape, angles, area and perimeter.

We hope your children enjoy their new learning and have a great term!

For any info from our yearly ‘Welcome Meeting’ please see links below.

Welcome meeting powerpoint

Welcome meeting notes

The presentation for the Year 6 camp can be found on this link – Parent/Carer Camp Meeting

Camp questions


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