Term 1
Welcome back for another year at St John’s – we hope you and your child had fun-filled summers and they are ready for a new year of learning.
This term, our main topic will be around the Anglo Saxons (where we will be aiming to go on an educational trip alongside weekly lessons). We will also be learning about forces in Science and covering netball in PE. We will be covering relationships in PSHE and a unit around How we should live and who can inspire us, in RE. In Art, looking at our drawing and painting skills looking specifically at the artists Antoni Gaudi and Zaha Hadid.
The children will now have French lessons every Thursday afternoon with Mrs Allenby. On Wednesday afternoon, they will cover PE and Music or Computing in PPA. They will, therefore, need to wear their PE kit on a Wednesday each week. They will also have a second PE lesson taught by their class teacher. This will be on a Monday for Hazel Brook and Severn and on a Friday for Avon and Malago. Please refer to the uniform policy as we expect uniforms to be in line with this and children will be told if this is not the case. Children should only wear PE kits on these days above.
Our writing focuses this term will be based around descriptions, newspaper reports and poetry. We will be basing some of our writing on our new class book, ‘Beowulf’. In Maths, we will be focusing on place value, rounding, negative numbers, addition and subtraction.
We hope your children enjoy their new classes and their new learning!
For any info from our yearly ‘Welcome Meeting’ please see links below.