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Term 5

Welcome back to term 5 – we hope you and your children had an excellent and restful Easter break.

This term, our main topic will be about the Ancient Greeks. We will be covering the Olympics, different city states, theatre and more. While doing this, we will always be questioning their legacy on the world today and comparing them to other time periods in history. Alongside this, we will be doing some DT, looking at electrical systems and covering some more content on living things and their habitats in Science. We will be discussing the topic, ‘What do people believe about life?’ in our RE and ‘Health and Wellbeing’ in PSHE.

The children will continue to have French lessons every Wednesday morning with Mrs Allenby. On Thursday, they will cover PE and Music or Computing in PPA. They will, therefore, need to wear their PE kit on Thursday each week. They will also have a second PE lesson taught by their class teacher. This will be on a Monday for Guppy, Brunel and Campbell and on a Wednesday for Cabot and Muller. Please refer to the uniform policy as we expect uniforms to be in line with this and children will be told if this is not the case. Children should only wear PE kits on these days above.

Our English focus this term will be based on reviews, character descriptions and narratives. We will base some of this around our Ancient Greece topic. In Maths, we will begin the term continuing to learn about algebra, ratio and proportion and geometry before embedding the content we have been working on this year, prior to KS2 assessments.

On a Thursday morning this term, we will continue splitting Year 5 and 6 for their Maths and English lessons so they can embed some of their learning from this year. SATs booster sessions will continue on Monday or Wednesday after school to support Year 6 further.

KS2 SATs will be in the week commencing 13.05.24. More information will be provided for Year 6 SATs in a microsoft teams meeting for parents. This date and time will be sent on Parentmail.

Finally, this term also brings around some exciting school trips. Year 5 children will be visiting Noah’s Ark on 21.05.25 whilst Year 6 children will be heading on camp for the duration of the same week (w.b 20.05.24) . If you would like any further information about this, please contact your child’s class teacher.

We hope your children enjoy their new topics and have a fantastic term!


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