Malago Class – Maths
Malago class enjoyed exploring place value with mathematical games this week.
Severn Class this Week
In Severn Class, we have been learning about the Place Value of digits. We had fun using manipulatives, creating plays with puppets and using dice to play competitive games against…
Hazel Brook Maths
In Hazel Brook, we kicked off our Maths lessons for the year with some really fun, practical activities all focusing on place value.
Guppy Class DT Lessons
In Year 5/6 DT we have been making our own Doodlers! We attached pens to the bottom of the cup and a motorised circuit inside the cup - which made…
Brunel – Living Things and their Habitats in Science
In Y5&6, Brunel have been learning about Living Things and their Habitats in Science. We had a lesson on animal classification and, once we followed some classification keys for minibeasts,…
Cabot Class DT Lesson
In 5&6, we are designing and making our own motorised 'doodlers'. Have a look at us building our prototypes!