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Safeguarding At St. John’s

At St. John’s nothing is more important than the safety of the children. All staff, governors, volunteers and our community have a responsibility for the health, safety and wellbeing of our children.

As a school we are committed to safeguarding all our pupils and promoting their welfare, this means:

  • protecting children from maltreatment
  • preventing impairment of children’s health or development
  • ensuring children are growing up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care
  • taking action to enable all children to have the best outcomes

To this end we have a clear and well understood safeguarding policy in place available on our policies page. We have a child-centered approach and will always act in the best interests of each child. St. John’s Primary School is clear that radicalisation and extremism should be viewed as a safeguarding concern and that staff and governors have explicit responsibilities to safeguard children from the risk of being influenced by extremist groups.

All staff are alert to the potential dangers of institutional complacency and/or suspended professional disbelief – ‘it could not happen here’.

If we have any concerns about your child’s welfare we will discuss it with you. If we ever have any child protection concerns we will inform you prior to making a referral to an external agency, unless we feel that doing so may put a child at greater risk. We want to work with you to ensure your child’s safety and to help each family to get the support it needs.

Keeping Children Safe is Everyone’s Responsibility.

Raising Concerns, Getting Help

Are You Concerned about a Child?

If you have any concerns about the safety or wellbeing of a child then please contact the school using or you can contact the school and ask for:

  • The Head Teacher and Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL): Mr Justin Hoye      


  • The LRR Deputy and Deputy DSL: Mr Tony Weir

  • The WR Deputy and Deputy DSL: Mrs Ali Vining

However, you can talk to any member of staff and they will guide you in how to proceed.

We also have a governor responsible for safeguarding who can be contacted via email or ask at the school office.

  • Safeguarding Governor: Mrs Caroline Davenport

Alternatively, you may ring the local authority First Response Team on 0117 9036444 or via this link:

First Response Children’s services leaflet

First Response Video

The NSPCC also offer a free (from a landline) 24 hour helpline number: 0800 800 5000

For non-emergency serious concerns you could ring the Police on 101

In an EMERGENCY you should always ring 999

Do you need help and support?

If you are a child and worried about something then it is good to talk to an adult in school who you trust. You might be worried about growing up, bullying, problems with your family or at school; whatever it is, there is always someone at school you can talk to. You could also talk to Childline, they offer advice and you don’t have to tell them who you are. The telephone call is free from a landline, just dial 0800 1111 or go to their website; there’s also a helpful video below.

If you need advice about how to talk to your child about radicalisation, hate crimes or extremism take a look at this website.

For parents/carers, firstly please come and talk to us. Sharing a concern or a difficulty you, your child or your family are having is really important. If anything is happening that may affect your child then it is essential that someone at school knows so we can support them effectively. We can often put you in touch with organisations that can help, alternatively you can ring First Response or any of the numbers above yourself.

Keeping Children Safe is Everyone’s Responsibility.

Online Safety

Welcome to our page dedicated to online safety.

The Internet and its effective use is an essential life skill, which is fast becoming an important part of learning across the curriculum. We recognise that unmediated internet access brings with it the possibility of placing pupils in embarrassing, inappropriate and even dangerous situations.

At St John’s we have a range of security measures to ensure all pupils are safeguarded. All pupils receive e-Safety education at school and are taught how to get the most from this valuable resource.

It is also important to recognise that e-Safety is a whole school community safeguarding responsibility and we are committed to helping parents/carers in supporting their children use the internet in a safe and rewarding way.

We will continue to update this page with information to help support you and your children so come back often to see what new information there is.

If you have a specific question or worry regarding staying safe online contact Mrs Hood, Ducklings Class teacher, if you have a safeguarding concern please email and this will go directly to senior leaders responsible for safeguarding.

e-Safety at Home

It is advised that parents/carers talk to their children about how they can use the internet in a safe manner at home. Please see the further information section below for advice and guidance on how to do this.

Remember, that whilst you can educate your child on the safest way to use the internet, it is impossible to make tools such as search engines 100% safe. It is therefore important that you encourage your child to report a problem to yourself or the school.

EYFS and Key Stage One

Acceptable Use Promise

These rules help us to be fair to others and keep everyone safe when we use computers or tablets

This is how we stay safe when we use computers:

  •     I will ask a teacher or suitable adult if I want to use the computers/tablets
  •     I will only use activities that a teacher or suitable adult has told or allowed me to use.
  •     I will take care of the computer and other equipment
  •     I will ask for help from a teacher or suitable adult if I am not sure what to do or if I think I have done something wrong
  •     I will tell a teacher or suitable adult if I see something that upsets me on the screen.
  •     I know that if I break the rules I might not be allowed to use a computer/tablet

Key Stage Two

Acceptable Use Promise

These rules help us to be fair to others and keep everyone safe

When I use devices, I must behave responsibly to help keep me and other users safe online and to look after the devices.

For my own personal safety:

  •       I understand that what I do online will be supervised and monitored and that I may not be allowed to use devices in school unless I follow these rules and use them responsibly
  •       I will only visit internet sites that adults have told me are safe to visit
  •       I will keep my username and password safe and secure and not share it with anyone else
  •       I will be aware of “stranger danger” when I am online
  •       I will not share personal information about myself or others when online
  •       If I arrange to meet people off-line that I have communicated with online, I will do so in a public place and take a trusted adult with me
  •       I will immediately tell an adult if I see anything that makes me feel uncomfortable when I see it online.

I will look after the devices I use, so that the school and everyone there can be safe:

  •       I will handle all the devices carefully and only use them if I have permission.
  •       I will not try to alter the settings on any devices or try to install any software or programmes.
  •       I will tell an adult if a device is damaged or if anything else goes wrong.
  •       I will only use the devices to do things that I am allowed to do.

I will think about how my behaviour online might affect other people:

  •       When online, I will act as I expect others to act towards me.
  •       I will not copy anyone else’s work or files without their permission.
  •       I will be polite and responsible when I communicate with others and I appreciate that others may have different opinions to me.
  •       I will not take or share images of anyone without their permission.

I know that there are other rules that I need to follow:

  •       If I have permission to bring my mobile phone to school then I must not use it on the school site and hand it in to a teacher as soon as I enter the classroom.
  •       Other personal devices are not to be used in school without permission from the headteacher
  •       I will not access or use social media sites in school
  •       Where work is protected by copyright, I will not try to download copies (including music and videos).
  •       When I am using the internet to find information, I should take care to check that the information is accurate, as I understand that the work of others may not be truthful and may be a deliberate attempt to mislead me.
  •       I should have permission if I use the original work of others in my own work.

I understand that I am responsible for my actions, both in and out of school:

  •       I know that I am expected to follow these rules in school and that I should behave in the same way when out of school as well.
  •       I understand that if I do not follow these rules, I may be subject to disciplinary action. This could include loss of access to the school network/internet, loss of privilege, parents/carers contacted and in the event of illegal activities involvement of the police.

Learner Acceptable Use Promise Form

Please complete the sections below to show that you have read, understood and agree to the rules included in the acceptable use promise. If you do not sign and return this promise, access will not be granted to school systems.

  •       I have read and understand the above and agree to follow these guidelines when:
  •       I use the school systems and devices (both in and out of school)
  •       I use my own devices in the school (when allowed) e.g. mobile phones, gaming devices USB devices, cameras etc.
  •       I am out of school and involved in any online behaviour that might affect the school or other members of the school.

Name of Learner: ­_________________________Group/Class:

Signed:__________________________________ Date:



St John’s parents pledge for their kids to be smartphone free

If you didn’t get a chance to sign the St. John’s smartphone free childhood pact last term, here it is again. (But if you signed before, no need to do it again!) It’s for those in any year group, who feel they can commit to not giving their child a smartphone during this academic year.

The aim is to empower parents/carers to unite and take collective action, based on the increasing evidence of the harm to young people from smartphones and social media.

Your name will be kept confidential – just class numbers will be released.
Reasons for signing the St. John’s Pact to delay:
* Reduce peer pressure: just 10 or more parents signing per class can make a real difference to changing the norm.
* When your child starts asking for a smartphone and claims everyone else has one, you’ll be able to easily refute that!
* If you make a commitment, you are more likely to stick to it.

If you’d like to join the parent whatsapp group for Bristol and/or St John’s here’s the link –

And for your interest, you can see the numbers of those from each class who signed up last term here

To be aware – devices with a camera

It has been to brought to our attention by Avon and Somerset Online safety support, that cameras on devices are easily hacked.  Apparently, hackers are able to turn off the indicator light that makes people aware that cameras are being used.  Please make sure cameras are covered on your children’s devices, especially if used in bedrooms or bathrooms.  A simple piece of blue tac can be used, some devices have sliders that you can pull across or you can buy a sticker with slider if your device does not have one.  

New advice on Pokémon Go and Campfire

Pokemon Go and Campfire – What you need to know 

In brief, Pokemon Go is a game which gets you out and about whilst using your phone to find Pokemon. This game is recommended for those over the age of 13 and we would not recommend it for any primary age children.  We do know that parents and carers play this as a family and this can be a safe way to use the app.

Other measures to stay safe when using this as a family are:

  • talk about the privacy and safety implications of a game like Pokémon GO
  •  Discuss ways to play securely together:
    •  keeping the app updated,
    • setting up a separate email account just for gaming
    • using a made-up display name
    •  turning off location tracking when you’re not playing
    •  avoiding signing in through social media accounts

A new app called ‘Campfire’ has been recently released in the UK and works in conjunction with Pokemon Go and other apps.  This app allows users to find new friends, share direct messages with people and join communities. It is mainly used to find people to take part in battle raids.  Users can ‘light a flare’ to let others know you are planning a battle raid and this will allow others to see your Niantic ID, your username, and your real-time location including how long it would take to reach you. We would not recommend these apps for children’s devices as they pose a huge safety risk.


Further Information

General Advice for Parents  Childnet’s mission is to work in partnership with others around the world to help make the internet a great and safe place for children. The website has great resources for parents/carers and children.  Children are told it’s good to share, but sharing too much online can be dangerous. The NSPCC have got simple advice on how to keep children safe in the digital world.  Information for both children and parents and carers.  Come in to find the latest information on the sites you like to visit, mobiles and new technology. Find out what’s good, what’s not and what you can do about it.

Roblox Checklist

TikTok Checklist


Parental controls:

Internet Matters is a new online portal designed for parents to access simple, easy and practical advice about online safety for their children, right through from pre-school to teens. It provides tips on protecting children from online grooming, cyberbullying, privacy and identity theft and inappropriate content.

There are handy, easy to read guides on privacy settings and screen time. We strongly suggest checking your child’s privacy settings so you know who can send them messages, view their profile, see their location as well as add them to groups.  These guides give you five top tips, latest statistics and help you in setting rules that suit your family.

Learning more about specific apps, games and videos:

In order to keep children safe, it is important to have regular conversations with them to ask what they are enjoying playing online.  If there is an app you are unsure, they should be playing Common Sense Media is a good site to use to find out more.

Advice for pupils to look at with a parent/carer:

KS2 Pupils with a parent/carer

Discuss online bullying with your child

Reporting to the Child exploitation and Online Protection team:

For up-to-date news Online Safety issues as they happen:

Keeping your child safer out of school:

Child Protection Leaflet (June 2018)

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