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Digital Leaders

The Digital Leaders play an important role in Computing at St John’s.

Digital Leaders 2018/19At St. John’s we aim to involve our children in the life of the school as often as possible. To this end, two children from each class are given responsibility as Digital Leaders and play an important role in Computing at our school. In addition to learning how to supporting teachers with Computing, Digital Leaders make Computing resources for lessons, make sure the equipment is looked and work together to prepare services (assemblies) about online safety. Last year they even made a video in a bid to achieve funding for new Computing equipment at St John’s. The success of this enabled us to purchase the extremely popular Lego ‘WeDo’.

Our Computing at St John’s is ever changing and developing. This year, we will be introducing Google Classroom and are planning to run a Coding Club. At the beginning of the year, children write letters of application if they wish to be a Digital Leader and 2 children from each class are chosen. They meet regularly with Mrs Barnard (Worrall Road) and Mrs Hood (Lower Redland Road) to prepare services about e-safety, make computing resources and learn how to support their teachers with Computing. They also make sure the equipment is looked after across the school.

In October, the WR Digital leaders worked with Mrs Barnard to create a video entry for the BT Tech Factor Competition to be in with a chance of winning £5,000 worth of technology for the school. We are all extremely proud of the finished video and are keeping our fingers crossed for the competition! You can watch it below, we hope you enjoy it.


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