Authors’ Week Bedtime Stories
How to Catch a Star read by Mr Weir
The Journey read by Miss Coombes Huntley
Tadpole’s Promise read by Miss Cox
The Witch with a Twitch read by Miss Dixey
A Squash and a Squeeze read by Miss Harries
The Mouse who Sailed the Seas read by Miss Hodder
The Smeds and the Smoos read by Miss Miller
The Boy who Grew a Dragon read by Miss Pearson
Clever Cat read by Miss Ricketts
The Troll read by Miss Sellers
Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone read by Miss Thorowgood
The Lion Inside read by Miss Walker
Worlds Worst Children read by Mr Amarshi
Emily Brown and the Thing read by Mr Travis
Oliver who would not sleep read by Mrs Carr
A Squash and a Squeeze read by Miss Dungey
The Giant Jam Sandwich by Mrs Lake
The Paper Dolls read by Mrs Swithinbank