Malago Class – Maths
Malago class enjoyed exploring place value with mathematical games this week.
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Malago class enjoyed exploring place value with mathematical games this week.
In Severn Class, we have been learning about the Place Value of digits. We had fun using manipulatives, creating plays with puppets and using dice to play competitive games against our partners. In Severn Class, we have been having fun…
Year 1&2 had a visit from the RSPB and they kindly brought in some real birds of prey that link to our class names (Kestrel, Owl, Harrier, Hawk, Falcon) and gave us information on their life and habitats. This will…
In Hazel Brook, we kicked off our Maths lessons for the year with some really fun, practical activities all focusing on place value.
St John's Eco Code Our Eco Team have created a school Eco Code to reflect everything that we do at St John's to make our school greener and more sustainable. Thanks to Jess and Arielle in Cabot for designing our…