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Land Before Time – Our Wow Day

Land Before Time – Our Wow Day

The children have learnt this term how to classify items from living, dead or never been alive to exploring dinosaur poo to understand their diet!  The children have become familiar with the terms herbivore, omnivore and carnivore. During our WOW…

Christmas Fair

Christmas Fair

Thank you to everyone who came to the Christmas Fair last week - it was lovely to see so many people getting into the Christmas spirit! Special thanks to everyone who helped out one way or another. As well as…

Y1 Nativity The Inn-spectors

Y1 Nativity The Inn-spectors

The Year 1 children performed a fantastic Nativity play this week, 'The Inn-Spectors'. They retold the Nativity story from the point of view of smartly dressed officials with clipboards judging the inns in Bethlehem. Songs were sung with gusto and…

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