September 2022 Term 1 Week 1
The new Early Years children are settling into school life really well and are having lots of fun making new friends and exploring their new classrooms:
Term 6 Week 1
The EYFS children started the term with a 'When I Grow Up' dressing up day. There was a wonderful array of future careers represented, from palaeontologists to fitness instructors and…
Term 5 Week 1
The Early Years children visited Redland Green this week to search for signs of spring. We listened carefully to the different birdsong, noticed lots of spring flowers and marvelled at…
Term 4 Week 1
The EYFS children visited Tesco to buy ingredients to make pancakes then made and ate them, yum! Huge thanks to Tesco for very generously providing all the ingredients free of…
Term 3 Week 3
Our topic in Early Years this term is transport and the children have been busy finding out about the range of different vehicles. We have then focused on looking at…
Class Christmas Tree Winners
Worrall Road Winner: Cabot A full but well- balanced arrangement on the tree shape. Everything recyclable and nothing prefabricated, plenty of colour and variety in the ‘stained-glass’ shapes but all…